Monday, March 23, 2009

Intro to Spring

I want to trip inside your head
Spend a day there
To hear the things you haven't said
And see what you might see...

In the past week, I did just that...

It's been a while since the star mile, I know. There's been a lot worth sharing, no doubt, but I'm reserving these canvases for select moments only. The past month, especially the past week, seems like it's been a perfect intro to spring. Light warms, layers melt, and you never know what might come peaking through...or, maybe you knew all along. Last Monday morning, I sat down with my dad to discuss work and our current renovation project. These convos are never fun. Especially, now that we're down to the fourth quarter when all the shots seem to count a lot more. But, I think it was just after our exchange on the dark stain that I went with for the doors, that our conversation immediately, but somehow smoothly transitioned into an enlightening chat about life. To make a long story short, I got to know my dad a little better, and he got to know me bettter too. And, from the sound of it, although we couldn't be more different in some ways, we're essentially the same person...even so much as by the point in life when we realized we can do more. We talked about example, determination, health, stress, failure, success, love, romance, generosity, and humility. He made himself vulnerable in front of me, and for me, which is something very rare for any son to see a father do, and something I, myself, will remember and always be humbled by. The rest of my week was great. I had the most productive week. But, as good as a productive week at work can be, thankfully, the rush was balanced by several little exchanges with someone who might have been out of town, but was very much in my thoughts. If I could take a trip to or spend a day anywhere...I know exactly where I'd go. And, as luck would have it, my week closed out just like that. Last night, hearing the things that hadn't been said was like watching petals unfold to reveal the most beautiful flower I've ever seen. And, when a brush of the hair a while ago was, at the time, as much something to one as it was the other, then you've truly seen what the other has seen. As it turns out, I'd spent part of my week throwing things away from times past. It was this moment, the high of my week, that made me happy I did so before and not after.


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