Monday, February 16, 2009

Star Mile

Reach for the stars
That's what they say
Glimmering hopes
Of what might be await
All of my life
Still to this day
I've walked the star mile
Up there far away

And, to tell you the truth
Sometimes it pays
But much too often
That glimmer fades
Still, I've given things up
For alluring displays
Along the star mile
Light blinding my way

The only thing is
Between the displays
Of the star mile
Is the empty of space
And, it’s then when I wonder
Why I came all this way
But I’ve seen no path brighter
And, that’s why I’ve stayed

Then, just like that
Starlight’s delay
Something is flashing
From back where I came
So, I left the star mile
And went on my way
To see what it was
Just for a day

I’ve come to know life
Up there far away
Up with the stars
Where it’s easy to stay
But as different it is
If with you, it's ok
I'd rather be under them
Like Saturday

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